Monday 31 August 2009

How to Naturally boost Testosterone. Returning back to fitness following a short holiday

Thought it was time for a long overdue fitness blog post. Cant believe the last one was mid July!

I must admit I slacked off a bit during the end of July and early August. We actually had some decent weather here in the UK midlands and I found it more than a little difficult to get motivated in the week before my holiday which started on 15th August. Just a week off down on the Somerset Coast with my lovely 4 year old daughter.

I've started another program. I had seriously thought about re-starting Vince Delmonte's No-Nonsense Muscle Building. However, prior to going away, I did a bit of internet trawling for e-books on natural Testosterone boosting. I came across one "Naturally boost testosterone & build muscle" by Gerald Hall. It made quite interesting reading and I'd recommend it to any guy interested in a T boost the natural way.

Moving on to workout related stuff, I am doing a new program, developed by "The Muscle Nerd" Jeff Anderson, called "Optimum Anabolics". This program promises fat loss AND muscle gain. A bold statement if there ever was one. It breaks down like this...

You use your body's ability to "hyper-adapt" to the stresses you put it under. It is a split body workout routine spread out over a maximum of 5 days. You build your workout volume over a 3 week period to the point whereby you are on the verge of overtraining. At the start of week 4, and for the 2 subsequent weeks, you reduce your volume to 3 sets per exercise so your body "hyper-adapts" to the stress and load you subjected it to in the previous 3 weeks. This works on the theory that your body will be tricked into thinking it needs to build muscle to adapt to the continuing stress.

By then, the body will again get used to the reduced workload, so it is again time to start progressively overloading your body again for weeks 7 to 9. This time, there is a different twist. I don't want to spoil it for you, but even this bit amazes me that I really must try it. Weeks 10 to 12 are another "hyper-adaptive" reduced load cycle, and so the cycles continue.

It seems that Jeff Anderson has given this program some serious thought, and as he is a respected fitness writer, I am quite happily giving this program the attention it deserves. I'm 1 and a 1/2 weeks into this program now, and must admit, following a high volume routine is very challenging. Consider the time in the run up to Xmas a thourough trial of the program.

I started the program at 175lb and 18% body fat (based on his bonus e-book on calculating your body fat) on Sun 23/8/09. I weighed myself yesterday and there was a 1lb loss due to water, but its far too early to be seeing significant results. I will see do my measurements at the end of each loading and hyper-adaptive cycle as I think that will probably be the best way of assessing the results.

Incidentally, I have a FREE e-book written by Jeff, on how you can naturally boost testosterone. Simply click HERE to download it.

I will keep you posted on the progress of my latest workout.


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